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Turn Documents Into Smart Forms

No more printing, scanning, or emailing paperwork back and forth. Convert documents into easy-fill forms for faster completion and deal closure.

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Transform your documents into online forms
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Make Your Docs Fillable with Ease

Our user-friendly platform makes creating a fillable form from your document a breeze. Anyone can effortlessly complete and download generated documents, without the hassle of printing, scanning, or managing files like PDF, Word, or Mac Pages.

Turn document into fillable forms

Error-Free Documents

Easily complete forms and speed up document processing for accurate, error-free results in both format and content. Reuse and update the form as needed for ultimate convenience.

Error free documents

No Code Requirement

And the best part? You don't need any coding experience! Simply select the text sections in your document that need filling, like Customer's name, Address, or Date. Our platform automatically converts them into a form questionnaire to fill. It's that easy – no complications, just simplicity!

no code requirement documents

Efficient Document Automation
for Any Business Sector

With Templatesgo’s easy-to-use solution, from entering client data to completing your proposals, agreements, contracts, or any documents, you now can do it within minutes.

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How to create your documents forms in one minute

Frequently Asked Questions

Templatesgo is an innovative software as a service (SAAS) platform that empowers anyone to transform documents into user-friendly fillable forms. With Templatesgo, you design a single form that you can use repeatedly. Say goodbye to manual editing and filling of documents. Just complete your customized form, and receive your updated documents within minutes. Best of all, no coding skills required!
Editing, proposals, agreements, applications or crafting new client contracts can be time-consuming, especially with lengthy documents. Templatesgo streamlines this manual document process, saving you valuable time. Our user-friendly platform makes creating a form from your document a breeze. When you or anyone fills out the form, the document is automatically generated based on the form submissions. It's as simple as that—efficiency at its best!

Automatically generate documents without limitations.

Simply let us do the work for you!

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Say Bye To The Frustrating Document Creation Process

With TemplatesGo, you can say goodbye to manual document creation with our docs creator. Simply provide your answers and let us handle the rest!

Say Bye To The Frustrating Document Creation Process

The Right Documents for Every Necessity

Discover the perfect document form for your needs with ease. Choose from a wide variety of legal templates, personal documents, and more to customize to fit your requirements.

Share your document easy
Simply steps to create your documents with

How Does It Work?

  1. Choose Your Template

    Select from various legal templates to customize your docs freely.
  2. Quick And Easy Questions

    Simply answer a few questions and let us turn your answers into a custom-made legal form.
  3. Review Your Document

    Take control of your document with ease. Review it thoroughly and make any necessary text edits.
  4. Download And It's Done!

    Your document is complete, now you can choose preferred method of distribution - print, sign or email.

Business Document Templates

Education Document Templates

Personal Document Templates

Real Estate Document Templates

Templatesgo is an innovative tool that allows you to convert an existing document into a fillable form with just a few clicks. You can easily create forms for various document types, such as contracts, proposals, business letters, and more, making it convenient to reuse and fill out your documents whenever needed. Share your forms quickly with anyone, streamline the document generation process, and make closing deals easier.